Message of the Day, Spiritual Activism, Tools for Healing

MOTD: Healing Doesn’t Come To Those Who Run

What truth are you running from? What deep inner truths need witnessing so that you can finally move the fuck on from the same pattern and pains that keep showing up in your life? The way the these planets are showing out has us all exposed like newborn babies. The planetary shifts are saying “look… Read More MOTD: Healing Doesn’t Come To Those Who Run

Message of the Day, Mystic Genius Way, Spiritual Path, Tools for Healing

What to Do After You Get a Reading

2016 has been pretty shitty. Global and personal turmoil abound and there are lots of endings making way for new beginnings. Overall discomfort and feelings of “what next?” may have you filled with anxiety, discomfort and confusion while simultaneously feeling that “now is the time to truly live my life.” All of this uncertainty may… Read More What to Do After You Get a Reading