Welcome to the first episode of the Lightning Rod Podcast- sponsored by MysticGenius.com and hosted by me- Evelyn Bandoh. In this first episode: You Are Not Going Crazy. You Are Being Invited to Evolve! – Evelyn provides listeners with insight as to why they might “feel like they are going crazy,” and why they may feel as if their life is falling apart. Evelyn shares insight, wisdom as well as a series of tips on how to navigate this transitional and transformative time.
Tips mentioned in the podcast include:
- Surrender into the process #SurrenderIn
- Let go
- Have truth telling sessions with yourself
- Name what’s waiting to be seen
- Get Support
- Excercise
- Express Yourself
We are experiencing a time when all the old ways of existing are being brought to the surface for healing. Inequality, inequity, and a lack of justice will no longer work for who we are and where we are ALL going as Spirit beings having a human existence. As we call on others to fix what AILs them, we must make sure that we are doing our own inner work as well. Listening to this podcast and checking in with yourself will provide some tools to help you do that.
Do you have ideas or questions that you’d like to hear answered on the podcast? Willing to be coached on the podcast? Send an email to infoATmysticgenius.com. You never know, your idea may be featured in an upcoming episode.
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