Message of the Day, Spiritual Activism, Spiritual Mind, Spiritual Path, Tools for Healing

MOTD: Confusion Breeds Clarity

Message of the Day: We are unclear because we are not prepared. And because of this unpreparedness, the timing will never be right for our shifts in life. Many of us are stuck because we are not doing the necessary prep work to move ourselves forward. When we are unclear, this is Spirit giving us time to get in line with our calling or our shift so that we have the necessary tools and information to fully act on it. Spirit is about our success and sometimes we are not ready to pick up the destiny that Spirit is putting down. So we are asked to prepare, and we often have to do so in a confused state (hence the lack of clarity). We hate being confused, but think about confusion like this: it is the cosmic glue that keeps us patient so that we can work on Spirit’s time and not our own because Divine Timing is real. The beautiful thing is if we “be still and listen”, Spirit will guide us on what our prep work will look like. We WILL get clarity on what needs to go and grow so we can heal. We will get guidance on what practical things we need to research and put in place so that we can get all our ducks in a row. & when our inner and outer prep work is complete, clarity will hit us like a ton of bricks. It will be crystal clear, and the relief will be sweet.

How do I know? I have personally lived this drama out over and over. I am living it now. The difference is that now I don’t lament my confusion and unknowing. I know that I need to be still and listen and hear the reminders of my calling. That I have to prepare myself as best I can by following Spirit-led action steps. Most importantly, I must await divine timing…which usually shows up AFTER I have PREPARED as best I can. This is where patience, faith, discipline, and perseverance come in to play.

I say all this to say, if you are lacking clarity right now, how prepared are you to receive the clarity that you seek?


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